Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I have been reading in 1 Peter...so good. There are so many reminders to just BE. Be what?
Well here are just a few I found in just chapter 3!! I am hoping to find some more "time" to think on each one... but just this list from only 1 chapter in the whole bible can be a bit overwhelming... as a mom, a friend, a daughter, a sister... these need to be characteristics in our daily walks so that our adornment may not only be external but that it would be the hidden person of the heart.. an inward quality that ALL can see! So today.... Just BE
BE Submissive
BE Quiet
BE Respectful
BE Gentle
BE Chaste
BE Kindhearted
BE Harmonious
BE Sympathetic
BE Humble
BE a Blessing
BE Hopeful
BE Peaceful
BE Ready

1 comment:

    BE Submissive- why does this word get such a bad rap?? submission is not domination or inferiority... it is a chain of command for the purpose of accomplishing tasks... Even the Godhead has a chain of command. V.1 says "In the same way" in the same way that Jesus was submissive and obedient to the Will of God so also a Christian husband and wife should follow HIS example.. As we imitate Jesus, His obedience, submission, and service to others, there will be triumph and joy in our homes!
    "In the same way"... Imitate Jesus. Who are we imitating? Who are we trying to be like? Much of our learning in life comes by following the example of another. When we follow the right role models, we are better for it. If we imitate the wrong people, it could ruin our character. Let us get our minds of off wordly "role" models and look to Jesus as the ONE we want to follow after!

    BE Quiet- Unbelievers can be saved by a submissive and quiet character. No one will come to know Jesus through being nagged or preached at.. The unsaved will be won to Jesus more by what they see in our lives than what they hear from our lips.

    BE Respectful- humble submission and consideration.

    BE Gentle- Encouraging and helping one another to grow in their relationship with the Lord

    BE Chaste- simplicity. Glamour is artificial and external. True beauty is internal and real. Glamour is put on and put off but true beauty is always visible. It is ok to look your best. Peter does not mean we should neglect our appearance. Just that we should not be more concerned about what we are wearing than what our heart is showing... Beauty comes from the heart. We must spend time with Jesus daily, meditating on His Word and praying... that is what should clothe our lives.

    BE Kindhearted- a tenderness of heart toward others, active concern

    BE Harmonious- working together despite many differences to honor Christ

    BE Sympathetic- compassionate, Sharing both joys and hardships

    BE Humble- courteous, putting others ahead of yourself

    BE a Blessing- Do not repay evil for evil.. I feel as if I am saying this every day to my children! We must handle our situations in life with mercy. That is the way God handles us! People may not be sharing love and mercy with us, but we can choose to be a blessing to them, despite being treated badly.

    BE Hopeful- because we know God is in control, we can choose to love life, seeing the best in every situation with an attitude of faith.

    BE Peaceful- Control our tongues! Many of our problems stem from the wrong words spoken in the wrong spirit. There are consequences to hasty speech. Be peaceful

    BE Ready- When Jesus is Lord of our lives, every crisis is an opportunity for witness. Every Christian should be able to give a reasoned defense of this hope we have in Christ, especially in situations that would appear to the outside world, as hopeless.
