Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ezekiel...God Restores

A Promise of Restoration!
In 6:8 He promises to save a remnant! In 11:14-25 again, He promises restoration to the house of Israel. v. 17 "I shall gather YOU" and "I shall give YOU" Promises of HOPE! We are never left without hope. I love 19-20!
I shall give them ONE heart, and shall put a new spirit within them. And I shall take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in My statues and keep My ordinances and do them. They they will be MY people, and I shall be their God!!!!
Today we do not live by the law. We could not live by the "externals" of that law. It was impossible! Today we are under the new covenant, the Holy Spirit living inside of us! Today it is about the internals of our heart! He empowers us to live a holy life, one of obedience to the truths of God's Word! We have a NEW heart. The old heart, the heart of stone, unimpressionable, obstinate before God is gone! Now we have a heart of flesh, one that is sensitive to the touch of God, responsive to His Spirit, and obedient to His will! This is God's work of grace!
Heart! True worship is the condition for renewal of true relationship with Jesus. Remove all the obstacles! Clean out the temple, the heart! Make me sensitive, responsive, and obedient!

Ezekiel...God Strengthens #3

Grabbing some nuggets out of chapters 4-10
Amidst all this destruction... God will save a remnant, God will vindicate HIMself in the sight of ALL of the nations...Over and over, through out the whole book we read the phrase..."so that you will KNOW that I am the Lord" 60 times! God is making a SERIOUS point here! Many will die by diseases, disasters, plagues, beasts, famine, but 6:8 says.. however, I shall leave a remnant.. There is hope, There is grace, no matter how difficult the circumstances are. v. 9 Their hearts and eyes have been turned away from the Lord for too long. When will they, when will WE turn our hearts and our eyes back to Jesus?! Will He have to break them first? Make me teachable, willing to listen and turn from my ways of selfishness, pride, and deceit... May I not be a stubborn and obstinate woman! May I KNOW that He is the Lord of my life!
In chapter 8 we see so many abominations going on in the temple! In the holy places! The people think they can hide from the Lord in the dark places, in the secret places. Their backs were to the Lord. Why do we think the Lord does not see us? He is Omniscient, Omnipresent! He sees and knows ALL that we do! There are no secrets with the Lord, He is there in all our secret places! The temple will be the first place to be cleansed of the wickedness. How is your temple? What needs cleaning out? What is hidden down in the secret places of the heart that need to be brought out and purged? Bitterness, Anger, Hurt, Jealousy, Greed.... What is it? Again Lord, make me teachable, open and honest before YOU so that I can be free to be me!
Don't miss it! Don't miss the presence of God in your life! In Chapter 10 HE departs from the temple...He was in their midst and they missed it! Christ is IN me! Christ is IN you! (if you have let HIM in) What are we missing? His presence is right here in our midst! Shouldn't that affect the way we live our lives? The way we treat our family? The way we treat others? They way we handle our every day business? Don't miss the opportunities that HE gives us EVERY day to show HIM to a lost world around us! Don't miss the opportunity to smile at your child for interrupting your_______, instead of giving a look of anger or impatience. Don't miss the opportunity to serve your husband by putting away his laundry instead of throwing it into a big pile! Practice HIS Presence!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ezekiel...God Strengthens #2

Chapter 2 and 3 of Ezekiel.

Commissioned as God's messanger 1-7
One thing that God was reminding Ezekiel... Wether they listen or not... It is important for Ezekiel to just deliver the message. It is important that he obey regardless of their reaction. I have to also be a people of Truth in this World. Wether they listen or agree is in the hands of God. It matters that I am following God with my whole heart... walking in obedience to His calling for MY life. Ezekiel is given POWER, CONFIDENCE and ENDURANCE to be a messenger of God and we have those SAME attributes at work in our lives today as well!

Commanded to speak God's Word 8-3:3
Speak the Truth. The scroll represents Truth that Ezekiel will internalize and make it his own. I want God's Word to be so integrated within my very being that IT IS who I am! Sometimes the words will be bitter as these were words of judgement yet they are from GOD! Sometimes the truth is hard to speak but it needs to be spoken. Just as these people needed these words from the Lord we also need people in our lives that will speak Truth to us. It may not always be what we "want" to hear. Be teachable, willing to listen to become more like Jesus and less of this world.

Courage to obey God's calling 4-9
Ezekiel is again reminded of the rebellious stubborn people he will be speaking to. Just get the words out Ezekiel! The hand of God is upon you! The spirit of the LIVING GOD is guiding you! Be courageous! The people will reject you! They are not going to listen! Just obey your calling!

Compelled on a mission to God's people 10-15
v10 Take into your heart, (internalize it) all My words and listen closely. It is easy to study and know the Word of God. To allow it into your heart is a whole other encounter! We could go our whole lives studying the word and serving in ministry and never let it change us internally. We need not just the head knowledge, but the heart knowledge. I want to be changed from the inside out! It is easy to put on the exterior. What does your heart look like?

Charged as a Watchman over God's nation 16-21
Ezekiel is charged with the faithful deliverance of the message, not for its success or failure. He is a watchman for the souls of these individuals but also for the souls of a nation. More about the watchman in future chapters!

Constrained under God's hand 22-27
God put a restraint on Ezekiel. He only spoke when God said to speak! So that when he spoke the people KNEW it was from God! Do we hastily accept offers to serve by always saying yes! In everything, even the small decisions we need to seek the Lord's guidance. Speaking the truth when HE has pressed it upon my heart, serving because God has called me to this ministry. Be constrained and compelled by the spirit of the Lord! Follow HIS guidance! Being a prophet or a messenger is more than just blurting out scripture. It involves our TOTAL life! Our total dependance on God.

Reading Ezekiel I want to be a messenger for God, sharing His message, living out the truth...yet I feel more like these Israelites sometimes, a rebellious people. Stubborn, obstinate, hardhearted and impudent. How many times do we see these characteristics in our own lives... doing the same sin over again that we don't want to do. Wether it be impatience or anger, unkind words or covetousness... the list goes on and on. Oh, and our children... do any of those words describe your 2 year old? or your teenager? These people have SEEN God work, yet they have forgotten. May we not forget... May we remember what God has done in our lives, in the lives of our families past and what He WILL do for our future generations! He IS as work. I want to keep my eyes turned toward HIM!

Ezekiel...God Strengthens

Ezekiel is called to ministry in Chapter 1. To just sit down and read about his calling and the vision that he sees was a bit confusing... It would be easy to just read over it really just "skipping" it not actually applying it. God's word is ALL inspired, ALL encouraging, and ALL for me. I wanted to figure this out :) What can I take away from chapter 1? I got WAY more encouragement than I expected and I wanted to share!
I will let you read it but some things that stuck out to me were the storm v.4, fire 7 times (purity), of course the 4 beings, unity v.18ff, and the rainbow v.28 which speaks of a calm after the storm or of covenant.


HE is OmniPresent
The people are in exile... They are in Babylon. Do they realize that GOD is also in Babylon! God is EVERYWHERE! He is Omnipresent. No place is inaccessible to His presence and energy. The figures facing EVERY direction, bringing a chariot that could move in EVERY direction withOUT turning pictures a GOD who is EVERYWHERE! Psalm 139:7ff He just descended from heaven to earth... there is no place in the universe that GOD can not get too! He is not limited or bound by location! Bringing it down to me :) We move every 3 to 4 years. Usually we have found the most "perfect" church, accountability friends, home etc, and then it is time to go. We have to leave all that we have grown to love and start over. It is hard. I have often felt that i will "never" find another church like "that" one or have "friends" like that... God is everywhere I go. I can find Him in a big church or a small one, a large city or a small town. I do not want my "exile" to cause me to turn away from HIM. He has not left. Joshua 1:9 And Yes, HE has always provided us with a new "family" as long as my face is turned toward HIM!

HE is Omnipotent
He was in the midst of the storm, the fire, the chariot. HE is the sovereign rule of this universe, this planet, this country, and my life... His sovereignty is shown in its control over ALL of creation.. the wind, fire, clouds, thunder, and the living beings.. HE is all powerful. HE is in control of EVERY detail of my life! Trust HIM not only with the "big" stuff but also with the "small"stuff! We have the POWER of GOD on our side! Use it, live it, breathe it! We are NOT defeated 2 Cor. 4:7ff

HE is Omniscient
GOD knows EVERYthing! HE is ALL knowing! The eyes on the wheels v.18 Why do we think we can "hide" things from HIM. He is ever watchful over every detail of our life. HE sees everything! Shouldn't this change the way we live. He sees all, He knows all, He controls all... When we gan grasp just a fraction of this it will change your love for HIM and your life at HOME. Psalm 139

This vision was most likely so awesome, that words just could not do it justice! An awesome chariot being pulled by magnificent guardians, carrying the GLORY of GOD! They were in complete unity and harmony surrendered and lead by the spirit of GOD. They are surrounded by purity and holiness, covered in a rainbow of beauty and mercy. An awesome picture of many characteristics of our GOD. Get to know HIM, not just in the storm but in the calm as well. PRACTICE HIS PRESENCE.
Ezekiel 1:28 "and when I saw it, I fell on my face..." Am I in awe of His presence? Do I recognize my unworthiness before Him?